Monday, October 10, 2011

Links for Monday October 10

The Chilean police responded violently to student protesters; students' leaders targeted.

The LAT has realized that UC may no longer be affordable for middle-class kids.  Yet they don't actually oppose doubling tuition.

Anti-Cuts protesters took over Westminster Bridge on Sunday.  Here is some more.

Noting the rising time of precarious academic labor, AAUP issues a statement supporting Occupy Wall Street 

On-line ed flunks again. This follow-up to a previous NYT piece by Matt Richtel offers a useful distinction between the industry's public relations analyses and carefully constructed longitudinal research on on-line outcomes, which are rare at best.

The dependent clause that hurts: The transcript of an NPR piece called the "Luxurious Revenue College Sports Model" notes in passing,
Clark Kerr, who was the head of the California university system back when "California education" was not an oxymoron, opined that the modern American university's purpose "has come to be defined as providing parking for the faculty, sex for the students and athletics for the alumni."
Followers of college rankings -- academic division -- should ponder a comment on a post last week, TB's short summary of the decline of UC's campuses in this year's Times Higher Education tables. S/he makes a suggestive connection between the campus's relative poverty and the speed of its recent decline.

And the UC Movement for Efficient Privatization stamps out the inequities highlighted by UC Berkeley's "Diversity Bake Sale" by selling all cupcakes on Oct 12 for the one fair price of $22,000.

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